Zhukov D.S., Kanishchev V.V., Lyamin S.K. Fractal modeling… [статья, РИНЦ]

Zhukov D.S., Kanishchev V.V., Lyamin S.K. Fractal modeling of historical dynamics of frontier territories: the heuristic potential // Fractal simulation (English ed.). 2013. No 1. [статья, РИНЦ]

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Abstract: The creation of fractal computer models is a new and highly promising research tool, not only in the natural sciences, but also in the socio-humanitarian disciplines. This article outlines the approaches to the construction of a fractal pattern (FrontierFractal), which simulates the dynamics of frontier territories in the South Russia in the XVII — XIX centuries. FrontierFractal is a modification that made by authors of GFMT — general fractal model of the transition. The authors raise a limited task — to present some of the results of the first series of experiments and to demonstrate FrontierFractal prospects of application of this model in historical research. The conditions, the results and some the most interesting qualitative interpretation of the experiments are set out. The efficiency of heuristic fractal modeling in socio-humanitarian studies is demonstrated. Computer models of frontier territories under the influence of several factors allows to typify frontier territory, to compare the dynamics of the model with actual (if known), to fill the available empirical gaps with computer reconstructions.

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